A Museum without a Place: Intangible Museography and Virtual Exhibitions

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The unplace project aims to discuss the notion of "intangible museography" in the field of contemporary art exhibitions which are specifically produced for virtual and networked contexts.

Over the last two decades, museums have become increasingly influential agents in a mediatised and globalised world, strongly impacting fields as different as tourism, culture or city planning. At the same time, a large number of internet-based projects involving virtual museums and exhibitions has also been growing. As an invaluable communication tool, the Internet shapes, nowadays, a challenging new territory for museums, providing new possibilities for curatorship, architecture and exhibition design projects. Concurrently, its effects on art practices can also be decisively assessed by recent movements like Digital Art or Internet Art.

While these virtual projects seem to fruitfully embrace immateriality as an operative and creative notion, many of them further configure a paradoxical movement. In fact, and surprisingly enough, most cases fail to propose utterly innovative works or environments, as they simply tend to reproduce prevailing models from the material world: digitising existing collections and duplicating, online, real exhibition spaces.